Sabrina and Emma
Meet Sabrina & Emma! Even before meeting in person, these two ladies became fast friends during last year’s Camp Wings of Friendship. Click here to learn more about each of them—and their inspiring camp journey!
Sabrina (Bri) and Emma both looked forward to their daily Camp Wings of Friendship sessions last summer. They first met during acting class and were then in the same breakout rooms—quickly becoming friends. Bri sees camp as a place to meet awesome people and to have fun, and similarly, Emma likes the opportunity to make connections, learn about people, and become a more open-minded person. Both women consider themselves lifelong learners, and throughout camp, each discovered new things about themselves and the world around them. Bri, a Marino Campus graduate, was thrilled to learn a new way to communicate through sign language. In fact, both Emma and Bri agreed that their American Sign Language classes were their favorite sessions of the summer.
Bri even learned the camp theme song, Look for the Good, and is still able to recite the entire tune. She also found herself observing the ins and outs of proper virtual meeting manners—as many of us have this past year! It empowered her to take what she learned and apply it to her own experience. Emma, on the other hand, learned more about empathy, listening, and patience. One of her most valuable takeaways was learning about disabilities from varying perspectives, and it also inspired her choice to study speech therapy at Florida State University this fall. With each of these women having such mature perspectives from their own life experiences, it’s almost easy to forget they just like to talk, have fun, and laugh as typical friends do. Both Flordia natives, the two were lucky enough to meet in person back in February and even attend a virtual prom together! Not only is their bond inspiring, but the effects are also helping to shape their bright futures. Sabrina and Emma are very much looking forward to camp again this summer and hope to see you there!